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Institute Presentation
The University Hospital Frankfurt is composed out of 32 specified Departments and Clinical Institutes of the University of Frankfurt and therefore is one of the leading clinics in Germany. The close connection between patient care, research, and education offers a range of tasks that make the daily routine very multifaceted. The section Translational Hepatology (TransHep) is integrated within the Medical Clinic 1, which is a specialist clinic for internal medicine and interacts with the treatment and research of liver cirrhosis and its complications.
TransHep is specialised on rodent preclinical models of liver fibrosis, cirrhosis and portal hypertension. The research in this section is focused on hemodynamic assessment and identification of molecular targets for future therapeutic approaches. With access to human data, the section is outstandingly equipped to translate experimental findings into human disease. Furthermore, TransHep does not only focus on basic science but has participated in different multi-centre studies. Examples are the CANONIC, PREDICT, PRECIOSA, APACHE, and ALLADINE. Moreover, the section is part of the Europe-wide CLIF-consortium investigating chronic liver failure. Many other national (e.g. GRAFT, INCA) and international (EASL-VALDIG, BAVENO-COOPERATION) networks are now in progress and TransHep plays an important role in these on-going networks.
As the lead beneficiary of WP4, the main task of TransHep within DECISION is the generation and description of preclinical models of ACLF development in decompensated cirrhosis and validation of optimal combinatorial therapies identified by WP1-3. Additionally, TransHep will be one of the study centres for the Clinical Proof-of-concept phase II prospective randomized controlled study in WP5.