Lead: GUF
The main objective of WP4 is to test the identified combinatorial therapies (WP3) pre-clinically in different models of decompensation of cirrhosis, prior to use in the clinical trial (WP5). Different rat models of acute decompensation of cirrhosis leading to ACLF have been proposed by the scientific community, but none of those models fully recapitulates the heterogeneity of the human disease. The second key objective of WP4 is, therefore, to refine existing animal (rat) models of decompensation of cirrhosis leading to ACLF. Moreover, two biomarkers will be developed: one predicting the treatment outcome of patients with acute decompensation of cirrhosis (prognostic test) and one serving as companion biomarkers to monitor treatment response for better stratification of treatment (test for response to combinatorial therapy). To achieve this, WP4 will pursue the following specific objectives:
- To refine available and develop new models of acute decompensation of cirrhosis leading to ACLF, stratifying for gender and age
- To validate in pre-clinical studies the combinatorial therapies identified in silico
- To design one assay serving as biomarker of outcome of patients with acute decompensation of cirrhosis (prognostic test) and one serving as companion biomarkers to select patients responding to identified combinatorial therapy (test for response to combinatorial therapy)